Training materials

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The evaluation of the expected losses due to hazardous events requires a spatial analysis, as all components of a risk assessment differ in space and time. Therefore risk assessment can only be carried out effectively when it is based on extensive, multidisciplinary studies on the basis of spatial information, derived from Remote Sensing and other sources. There is an urgent need to include the concepts of disaster geo-information management into emergency preparedness planning, spatial planning and environmental impact assessment. This requires capacity building and training of disaster management experts and professionals, such as planners, engineers, architects, geographers, environmental specialists, university teachers etc. The Hyogo framework of action 2005-2015 of the UN-ISDR indicates risk assessment and education as two of the key areas for the development of action in the coming years. 

In this section you can download training materials in Georgian language dealing with multi-hazard risk assessment.

This course deals with the procedures to collect, analyse and evaluate spatial information for risk assessment from natural and human-induced hazards (such as geological hazards, hydrometeorological hazards, environonmetal hazards and technological hazards). The course will guide you through the entire process of risk assessment, on the basis of a case study of a city exposed to multiple hazards, in a developing country (RiskCity).  The course has been developed by the Faculty of Geo-Information Sciences and Earth Observation, of the University of Twente, The Netherlands. 

This course is designed for all those who have to carry out risk assessment and need knowledge and skills on the procedures to do that using a GIS. These include professionals working in NGOs and governmental organisations related with disaster risk management, but also professionals, planners, engineers, architects, geographers, environmental specialists, university teachers. Some basic background in Geographic Information Systems is desirable, although not strictly required, as the course follows a step-by-step approach which allows participants to rapidly acquire the basic skills in handling GIS software. 

Theory book:

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Spatial data for risk assessment
Chapter 3: Hazard assessment
Chapter 4: Elements-at-Risk assessment
Chapter 5: Vulnerability assessment
Chapter 6: Risk Analysis
Chapter 7: Disaster Risk Reduction


Principles of Data Base Management (DBM) and Geographic Information System (GIS)
Elements of Hydraulic Modelling for Rioni river
Generation of geodatabases using ARCGIS and ERDAS
Introduction to WEB services and PostGIS intro
Multi Hazard Risk Assessment
Participatory Geographic Information System (PGIS)
Basic RS image processing methods and interpretation