Disaster reporting |
Use an entry form for entering information about a recent disaster event that has occurred. You can enter the location, address, commune, type of disaster, date, damage caused (e.g. to buildings, roads, crops) and contact information. There is a possibility to upload photos of the event. You can also report an event with Interactive map with Google Maps/Open Street map.
Disaster database |
This allows you to make queries regarding historical disaster events that have occurred in Georgia. The database can be visualized as points and you can analyze the distribution of the different types of events. You can also query by district and select types of events, and the period, and then get a map with the number of events per district.
Hazards and risks |
On this page you can display hazard, exposure and risk maps. Hazard maps are available for 10 hazard types (earthquake, floods, landslides, mudflows, rockfall, snow avalanches, wildfire, drought, windstorm and hailstorm). You can also select an administrative unit and get hazard, exposure and risk information, for buildings, population, roads, pipelines, GDP, crops, forests, and protected areas.
Community profile |
This allows you to make a hazard and risk profile of a region, district or community. For the selected unit you will then get the hazard maps for the 10 types of hazards, and will receive information both in graphical and tabular form on the exposed elements at risk, and on the expected losses within a reference period of 50 years.
Natural hazards |
This is part of the background information, and here you can download reports that explain how the 10 hazard maps have been generated (earthquake, floods, landslides, mudflows, rockfall, snow avalanches, wildfire, drought, windstorm and hailstorm). These maps will be further improved in future and users are asked to provide us with suggestions on how to improve the maps.
Disaster risk reduction |
Here you can download information on disaster risk reduction. The materials contain training materials on the use of GIS and Remote Sensing for hazard and risk assessment, and on how to use risk information in spatial planning and Environmental Impact Assessment. On this page you can also download guidelines for hazard and risk assessment.
Local case studies |
Here you can download the reports of a number of case studies that have been developed in the framework of the project “Institutional building for natural disaster risk reduction (DRR) in Georgia”, implemented by CENN and ITC, and fundend MATRA Programme of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Paper atlas |
This Risk Atlas contains many maps and explanatory text related to natural hazards, exposure, vulnerability and risk in Georgia. The atlas also shows the baseline maps, related to natural conditions and human conditions in the country. Maps show various types of vulnerabilities (physical, social, ecological, economic) and risks typical to Georgia’s territory. The atlas can be downloaded as pdf.